During the lockdown, how did you spend time?
As an artist, I don’t see any difference between lockdown or not. All these times are the same to me because I have so many things to do in my place.
I’d like to start asking about those performances and projects of the early pandemic period.
The pandemic caused the loss of many residency opportunities. My planned stays in places with the right facilities were cancelled, so I had to focus on street performances.
That’s the performance you did in March 2020 in Manhattan. It was the time when pandemic was starting and not so many artists were reacting to it yet, I guess.
I did the performance on March 20th in Times Square and Wall Street. A couple of days later, the government locked down the city.
How did people react? Were there many people in the Times Square then?
Not so many people. There were some restrictions already. I used to do performances on the street all the time, so I was familiar with how to set up. I just prepare myself and go find a good location, and put things on my body. I went with a photographer that day, but there are almost always professional photographers in Times Square. They take pictures for their own use. Some media outlets send them there to take photos of anything that happens. So whenever I do a performance there, many photographers come to take photos.
Even when you don’t ask.
Right. This time, as well. There were 3 or 4 photographers taking photos and videos.

Chin Chih Yang, Protect and Connect, 2020, Times Square, New York, Courtesy of the Artist.
I remember there were also always many cops in the areas like Times Square and Wall Street. Did they ask you what you were doing or something like that?
No, no. They know artists and they are familiar with performances. And it’s a public space. Only when I did projections on the wall of UN headquarters, then I was stopped by FBI. They said it was a private property.
The one you did in March 2020 was a series of performances about Covid-19.
Yes, it was a mock demonstration against COVID-19. It was intended to remind others about the rules we should follow to keep ourselves away from viruses.
That’s straightforward.
But with humor and make it like a satire.
たしかに、チンチーの作品はいつもちょっと笑ってしまう部分がありますね。《Kill Me or Change》*1も、設定は危険だけどとても滑稽でもありましたね。
It’s true that your project is always including some kind of humor. Like “Kill Me or Change”. Its setting was dangerous but also very humorous.

Chin Chih Yang, Kill Me or Change, 2012, Queens Museum, New York, Courtersy of the Artist.
Humor makes it easy to address hard issues, I guess. The audience can absorb them easily if there is a little joking.
《プロテクト・アンド・コネクト》Protect and Connect
Starting from Times Square, I wear many masks in funny ways, like covering my chin, putting it on the head and so on. Those are the ways you are supposed not to do. Many people don’t know how to put them on the right way. I passed out leaflets which reads “how to avoid Corona viruses in the city”.
「可動式隔離ハウス」The Mobile Quarantine House

Chin Chih Yang, The Mobile Quarantine House, 2020, Manhattan, New York, Courtesy of the Artist.
I did it on the Wall Street, near World Trade Center. I just wanted to make it funny. How can we protect ourselves? People want freedom. People don’t want to wear masks. Then how about moving your house everywhere. I just made a plastic small house. I can move with it anywhere.
「フリー・マネー」Free Money

Chin Chih Yang, Free Money, 2020, Manhattan, New York, Courtesy of the Artist.
The last part was with this money jacket. Bills from all over the world. Government gives you money for living if you lose your job or you get no income. I’m guessing it’s the same in Japan? In the case of NYC, it was $600 per a week. My artist friend told me they were very happy with that. In their whole life, they had never saved so much money. It’s always very hard as an artist to get money, you know. So, the idea of this money jacket is that government gives money not only to people, but also to big corporations. That money is from everybody’s tax. So the government should spend money in a right way. I want to make a satire of our society.
What Chin Chih Cares
We have responsibility to take care of ourselves. We want to make sure we are safe and fine, even when other people have problems. Everybody has a selfish thinking more or less. When you want to do something, you just go to do something. It’s good for you, but how about fo other people? It might harm them. You have to think over how your actions can cause a damage to other people. This is related to my art, too. I always say this. It might be good for yourself, but it might damage some other person or the environment, so you have to think outside yourself. That’s very important in my art.
In the pandemic, you should not get together. Of course. But we can get together with certain rules in place, protecting our safety. The pandemic will continue and we don’t know when it will stop. It’s very difficult. If we don’t think about other people, then we’ll only get worth.
My work is to tell people to stay safe. When I go to the residency, I tell the director and people who work there, when I do this performance, I want people to come over, but I want people to be safe. Not just come over. Really safe, safe situation, then I can perform.
A Special Period
You’ve been really working hard in these two years. I think many people are changing their way of life, like staying at home and working from home, you cannot hang out with friends at bars or cafes. Is there anything difficult for you in these two years?
Many places were closed, and there were difficulties different from usual time, but I should say “not convenient”. We could go anywhere before the pandemic… But I think as an artist, I want to mention that this is an important time for artists. At the beginning so many people lost their lives… I was very nervous. However, we are artists. Artists should adapt to whatever situations they’re in and do something. Now is a special period. As an artist, I should stay positive about it. It’s a good timing. I should definitely do something and react and help.
What does art mean? People might say art can improve our society and make a better life. Unfortunately, that’s only the small percent of art. Most of the time, art is just like a decoration. If we say art has a real meaning, that meaning, then what is art? When we say art can make a situation better, I think now is the time. Artists should jump in onto this situation. To make a change. Wether it’s a good situation or bad situation, it doesn’t matter. Artists are always in some sort of situation. Artists should not be hiding. That’s what artists should do. It’s a good timing for artists to do different works. It’s always a good time to create another work to fit in the situation. Any kind of situations. Everyday. That’s why I do as many as I can do.
In Bogliasco, people were surprised if I slept. I woke up like 3am or 4am all the time.
I’ve seen some of the images and movies from Bogliasco. You’ve been working on using trash and recycled materials so long. This time, it was again with lots of steel cans.
Well, it was not only with cans. Anything I could find there. This time, it was pine trees and different kind of plants. When I go somewhere, I use something from that environment. I make things to wear for the performance. During my stay there for one month, I did three performances and made three objects.
ボリアスコでも《Rejuvenate x Illuminate》の制作を行なったとお聞きしました。素晴らしいジャケットの画像を見ました。この作品についてもう少し教えてもらえますか?このように身につけるものをつくり続けていますか?
I’ve heard that you were working on Rejuvenate x Illuminate in Bogliasco as well. I saw an image of wonderful jacket Could you tell me a bit about this Rejuvenate x Illuminate jacket? Do you continue working on this outfit?

Chin Chih Yang, Trash Kind (jacket), 2014, Courtesy of the Artist.
あなたが見たジャケットは、2014年にフィンランドのアルテレス・クリエイティヴ・センターでつくったもので「Trash King」というものです。[そのジャケットを着て]そこでパフォーマンスも行いました。2015年のアースデイにタイムズスクエアで行ったパフォーマンス「Interactive Protest against Corporate Waste」でも、2019年にハドソンバレーMOCAで行ったパフォーマンスでも、そのジャケットを着ました。これまでたくさんの人の手を借りながら、このようなジャケットをつくっています。台北MoCAの個展のためにも3点つくりましたし、サンタフェのレジデンスでも1点、そして今回のボリアスコでも1点つくりました。
I did the jacket you saw in 2014 at Arteles Creative Center, Finland, titled “Trash King” and also did the interactive performance there. On 2015 Earth day I did an interactive performance at Time Square, NYC, titled “An Interactive Protest against Corporate Waste.” In 2019 “Trash King” visited Hudson Valley MOCA, and I also performed wearing this jacket. Yes, I continue working on this kind of outfit with the help of many people in 2016 at the Taipei MoCA solo exhibition making three pieces, and then one in 2021 at Santa Fe Art Institute in New Mexico, and another one in 2022 at Bogliasco Foundation in Italy.
スチール缶でできた「Trash King」は着るのがとても痛そうです。多くのパフォーマンスにおいて、痛みに耐えているのは意図的ですか?
The Trash King looks very painful to wear. Is it on purpose that in many (or some) of your performances, you endure the pain?

Chin Chih Yang, Trash King, 2022, Bogliasco Foundation, Italy, Courtesy of the Artist.
「Trash King」で僕が身につけていたジャケットは、捨てられていたアルミ缶やプラスチックを織り合わせてつくったものです。ぼろぼろでゴツゴツして先端は尖っているので着心地がいいものではありません。作品は、痛みと感情を統一するものです。僕の行うパフォーマンスはどれも異なっていて、いつも予期しない結果や驚きを僕自身や見てくれる人にもたらします。痛くても、痛くなくても、パフォーマンスは実行されないといけないし、その時の状況に僕自身が合わせなければなりません。人が、人生の苦難に合わせていけないといけないように。僕の目標は、僕たちのまわりの環境を扱うやり方に関する違った考え方にはたらきかけることです。これまでとは違うやり方で、社会を変える影響を与えたいと思っています。
In Trash King, the jacket I wear is woven from aluminum cans and discarded plastic that I have collected. The garment Is somewhat uncomfortable to wear, with uneven, rough, tattered, and sharp edges. My work integrates pain and emotion. Every performance I do is different, every outcome is unexpected and a surprise to both the audience and myself. Whether it is painful or not, the performance must be done, and I have to adapt to my circumstances, much like human beings have to adapt to different hardships in life. My aim is to influence divergent thinking regarding the ways we treat our environment. Through unconventional means, I want to effect change in our society.
I see. It reminds me of you adapting to the situations during the pandemic. Thank you for your time for the interview today.
Thank you, too. Anytime, if you have other questions or anything, just let me know.
It’s very nice to meet you and talk to you even just online. You look the same. No difference. Chin Chih is Chin Chih.
Ha ha ha… Maybe because I am an artist. Ha ha ha.
マルチディシプリナリー・アーティスト。台湾出身。パーソンズ・スクール・オブ・デザイン (BFA)、プラット・インスティチュート(M. Sc.)修了。ストリートにおけるパフォーマンスだ けでなくアメリカ国内外の美術館等(クイーンズ美術館、CUNY附属美術館、EXIT ART、Flux Factory、台北アートフェアなど)で展示やパフォーマンスも数多く行なってきた。
Chin Chih Yang (CC Yang)
Multidisciplinary artist Chin Chih Yang was born in Taiwan. He studied at Pratt Institute (MFA) and Parsons School of Design (M. Sc.) and has resided for many years in New York City. Yang exhibited his works nationally and internationally in such spaces as: the Queens Museum, the Godwin-Ternbach Museum, Exit Art, and Flux Factory and Taipei Art Fair, to name only a few. http://chinchihyang.com/index.php