I would like to start by asking how you have experienced the COVID-19 pandemic.
How did it affect the way you do research on art and anthropology without physical typical fieldwork?
At the beginning, it was like a holiday. But then it became more chaotic with each new wave of COVID. Now with the Omicron variant it’s spreading very fast and many meetings are being canceled, schools have lockdowns again…It is very confusing. I’ve been looking forward to the end of the pandemic for a long time, and it seems to never end.
In terms of my own research, which is not directly related to art now, I have a project on mobility. Obviously I couldn’t do anything. I had a series of research trips planned but everything was canceled. We had to make many meetings online. This has a good side, because it saves money and time, but it also has a bad side. One of the good things in academia is traveling to meet people, but not anymore. People keep asking me to meet online. The good part is that some of this meetings would have never happened physically, so it opens new opportunities, like this interview I guess.
The Decline of Social Art Practices after 2012 in Barcelona
You work on a research project on mobility. What about the research on art?
I still work with some artists. I wouldn’t say it’s my main focus, I think because of the changes in the last ten years, at least in Barcelona after the crisis in 2012. There was a moment in which activist art emerged in connection with new political movements after the crisis, but that wave has gone. I mean, social movements like 15-M in Spain, or Occupy Wall Street, all these waves have ended. Some parts of this movement became political parties, and these political parties have a strange relationship with art.
*2 M15運動(Anti-austerity movement、通称15-M):2011年から2012年にかけてスペインで行われた緊縮財政反対運動。とくに若年層の失業率の上昇、社会福祉の削減などを背景に、より良い民主主義のあり方を求める運動としてニューヨークのオキュパイ運動などにも影響を与えたと言われている。
It’s not a good relationship.
No, I don’t think it is. I was involved in some of the first meetings of these new political parties,. Lots of people from the art and cultural sector were also involved, but there was a strong tension among them. There were those who had a very classical understandings of art. They considered contemporary art as bourgeois eccentricity and luxury. For these new political parties, art was not a priority, maybe the second or the third or a fourth, which was very strange, because at the same time there were people from contemporary art involved in these meetings.This anti-art feeling was very present.
In Barcelona and Catalunya there has been a very strong independence movement in the last decade. The contemporary art scene itself was not really involved in this movement. Social and political art in the early 2000s was really cosmopolitan, the Anti-globalization movement was very cosmopolitan. People were working in different locations and traveling around. When you were a part of this anti-globalization movement, or you come from that background, the independence movement sounded kind of weird and there were tensions, I guess.
In Barcelona there is a very small contemporary art scene and it became smaller with the crisis, with lots of in-fights I’m not interested in. I still work with different artists and participate in research projects and exhibits, but I guess at the moment, social art and political art in Barcelona is gone. Something else hopefully, will come out. But I don’t see contemporary art as relevant as it was 15 years or 20 years ago, at least in Barcelona.
Beyond Art and Life
The question is that the whole narrative about political art and social art is about the disappearance of art in everyday life. There have been different strategies, different ways of approaching it since the 20th century. One of the ways of approaching it in the early 2000s was relational aesthetics. It was about transforming everyday life into a form of art that can be displayed in the museums. But that probably wasn’t enough and there probably was something missing there. I don’t think we have found the alternative, so we will see what happens.
過去10年間の変化として、いわゆるソーシャル・アート・プラクティス(social art practice)と呼ばれるような[政治的なアート、社会的なアートの]取り組みが一つのジャンルになってしまった印象があります。学位ができたりね。先ほども言ったように、問わなければいけないのは、アートをつくることが日常に消えていくということで、もしソーシャル・アート・プラクティスが慣例になって、アートのジャンルの一つになるのなら、それはもはやうまく機能していないということになるでしょう。
My impression about what emerged in the past 10 years is that so-called social art practice has become a genre, with academic degrees in it. It’s going back to what I was saying before. The whole question is making art disappearing into everyday life. If social art practices become convention, they become genre, then it is not really working.
On Curators
とくに、社会的なアート実践におけるアーティストとキュレーター、人類学者の実践には共通点があると思います。キュレーターについての本を出版されました。(The Anthropologist as Curator, Routledge, 2019 )キュレーターとして仕事をしたことはありますか?
You edited a volume ‘The Anthropologist as Curator’. Do you work as a curator?
No, no, no.
Are you interested in?
No, personally I’m not, Hahaha. I curated the volume, I only wrote the introduction, because I have no experience in curating. I’m always interested in what happens with anthropologists but from a very detached, very classical anthropological point of view. Perhaps I should ask myself why (I’m not interested in becoming a curator myself). You know, some of my best friends are curators. I’m constantly surrounded by curators. Curators, like anthropologists, build discourses and narratives.
I used to see curation as a form of control trying to direct the group of artists. Imposing a unitary discourse to a variety of works of art. Then I realized that it’s not exactly like that. The work of curation is not just imposing your discourse, but it involves lots of practices of mediation and negotiation that are really interesting. Anthropologists like me think that we can take a more detached perspective, we can be more individualistic. But in fact, we also have to negotiate with people we are working with, we have to mediate. I ended up understanding that we could learn a lot from curatorial practices in that sense. Practices of mediation or practices of diplomacy, in a way trying to bring different agents together and assembling them, that is something I think we can learn.
The danger of this is obviously how the curators emerged in the last decades. Curators as artists, in a way. He is the one imposes the discourses, he’s the one who says what, you have to follow this curator because this curator makes you famous. That I’m not interested in. But it’s a very thin line. I am interested in the position of curator as a social mediator, there’s also very close to what many contemporary artists do, conceptual and social practice artists. It’s very similar. Artists and curators as mediators in a way are superposed to each other. That’s something we anthropologists can learn from. At the same time, I’m not sure about doing a curatorial project by myself. Even if I do a curatorial project, it would not be an exhibit, it would be something co-curatorial, socially engaged, but I haven’t done it so far.
Various Types of Ethnography
There have been a strong tendency to work on the alternative ways of making ethnography, apart from the text-based classic ethnography.
It’s not only in Japan. It’s everywhere. In the past 30 years, it has become quite wide spread to look at artistic practice as alternative social method. Instead of doing what anthropologists used to do, which is writing, you do films, or you do exhibits, you do pictures. This is absolutely fine, but it’s not just about that. If you really know and talk to curators and contemporary artists, what they are doing is really informed. There are lots of ideas, lots of discussions. Their work is not just a technique. A central discussion in art is precisely against techniques. During the whole 20th century, there has been a lot of discussion about unlearning art. Art practices are not just technical expertise. There is a conceptual engagement with the media, with your objects, with the social situation you’re dealing with, and you have to be aware of that. So, it’s not just leaning the technique. Of course, you can learn a lot from film and you can learn a lot from photography, but if you look at them as techniques, they are not very different from writing.
最終的に、展覧会や映像も、もの(object)です。学位論文や単著がものというのと同じように。ゴールドスミスには視覚人類学のとても強力なプログラムがありました。そこで働いていた際、PhDの学位についての議論が盛んになされました。博士論文のうちどのくらいの分量の文章が書かれるべきか? 論文と短編映像? あるいは映像作品だけで論文はなくてもいいのか? いやいや、何か書いたものが必要だろう…でももし写真だったら? 何枚の写真が必要なことにしようか? このような議論は、私にとってあまり興味深いものではありませんでした。もし言葉をイメージに置き換えているだけであれば、そんな議論は全く意味がないからです。
Ultimately, exhibits or films are objects, just like a dissertation or a monograph is an object. There was a strong program of visual anthropology at Goldsmith. When I worked there, there were many discussions about visual anthropology PhDs degrees. What proportion of the dissertation do we need to be written? Maybe dissertation and a short film? Maybe only film and nothing written? No, no, there has to be something written… And if they do photographs, how many photographs do we need?These discussions were not very interesting to me. If it’s just about replacing words with images, the discussion becomes totally pointless.
But the whole problem is not about writing, the problem is you have a very rigid academic system that requires people to go through academic programs to study, do the PhD, etc. If you don’t want to do a conventional academic work, you don’t want to write annoying papers for journals and write a monograph and dissertation, but you want to do various more open, more free things, that’s fine. But that implies a rejection of the academic system of production. Parodixically, then people want to become a part of this very rigid academic system, because they want to get a stable job in academia. I think the problema is not the kinds of products we make in academia, the solution is not to replace books with films or works of art. If we want to work differently, live differently, we should change how academia works, not just the products of our work.
Lots of art practice have become academic again, because artists need degrees. They want to have a permanent job. If you want to be a university lecturer, you need to have PhD, so a lot of art practice becomes academic, because you have to conform to this, because you need to live. That’s understandable.
This idea of art breaking with academia is the same as all the ideas about anthropologists trying to escape from academia and bureaucracy. Doing art, in my experience, drive us very far. You have to have deeper reflection on why you go to art first. Because you are not happy with the way academic knowledge is being produced and how you are part of it. So, if you are really not happy with that, what you have to do is questioning how it (this system) works.
It is said that PhD students have to finish in three years, otherwise it’s not good. Historically, it took us forever to do anthropology and that was fine. It was fine, really. But now no, you have to finish very quickly. Well, how many pages, how many photographs, how many.. there’s a whole training we are not happy with. But art will not save us, because art is in the same trap. And if you want to fight with, whatever you call, bureaucratic, neoliberal university system, you have to address it directly, not through art practices.
Art can be an ally for us into changing the way to produce knowledge, but artists are facing the same problems we are.
Both artists and younger researchers are facing the precarious situations.
アーティスト[の状況]はもっとひどいし、もっと不安定ですね。助成金に応募したり、いつもレジデンスに行って、私たちよりも常に何かに備えていないければならないと思います。それに、とても競争が激しい。永遠に年をとらず、永遠に作品を作りつづけるなんて、実際、現実的ではないですよね。それに、この枠組み自体とてもジェンダー化されています。現在でも、このようなやり方は一般的に言って女性に簡単なことではないでしょう。子どもがいたらどうしますか? ニューヨークやロンドン、ベルリンと移り住んでいかなければならないとしたら。だから[アーティストたちも]みんな安定した仕事と給料を、例えばアカデミアで、得る必要があるのだと思います。でも同時に、アカデミア、大学にもいくつもの制限があります。アーティストと人類学者は、現状を変えるために、一緒に働くことができるだろうというのははっきりと言えることです。
Artists are more precarious than academics, they have to apply for grants and residencies all the time and they have to be so much more prepared than we are. And it’s very competitive. You are supposed to be young forever, supposed to be producing art forever and it’s just not realistic, right? All this framework is also very gendered. In many ways, it’s not so easy for women in general still nowadays. If you have children, what do you supposed to do? Moving from New York to London to Berlin and… So I understand people have to get more stable jobs, to get a salary, for example in academia. But at the same time, academia has a number of constraints. Artists and anthropologists can work together towards something different.
That’s finally a positive future view!
自分がとても悲観的だというのは分かっています(笑)。反グローバル運動ではクリティカルマスというアイデアがありました。「どれくらい多くの人が同じ状況に直面しているかに目を向けて!」そして、みんなが団結すればどうでしょう。マルクスの「万国の労働者よ、団結せよ!」みたいに聞こえますね。でも21世紀初頭に言われたことです。「万国の知的労働者よ、団結せよ」や、あるいはそれと似たようなものです。どうすれば異なったやり方をできるのか?どうすればちがう大学をつくることができるのか、どのように異なったやり方でアートと生きることができるのか? 同じような問題に直面している人はたくさんいます。アーティスト、作家、学者たち。何かがが起こるでしょう。そうするのが、ネオリベラルな官僚主義的マシーンに組み込まれない未だ唯一の方法だと思います。日本ではどのような状況か分かりませんが、おそらく同じような状況でしょう(笑)。
I know I sound very pessimistic. In the anti globalization movement there was this idea of a critical mass “Look at how many people in the same situation!”,what if we get organized?. That sounds like Marx “workers of the world, unite!” That’s what was said in the beginning of 21st century, right? “ Cognitive workers of the world, unite!” Or something similar to that. How can we do this differently, how can we make a different university, how can we live with art in different ways? There is lots of us, artists, writers, scholars, something might happen. I think that’s still the only way forward not to fall into bureaucratic machines of neoliberalism. I don’t know what’s going on in Japan, but probably the same. Ha ha ha…
Yes, more or less…
Pandemic and Social Art Practices
Are there any artworks or projects you’re interested in during the pandemic?
Social art practice in the classic understanding, with actual physical contact have been in a critical situation. There was an exhibition of Felix Gonzales Torres in Barcelona during the pandemic. You remember his works taking candies or posters with you, right? There was an indication at MACBA. “Because of COVID you can take only one candy.” I have no idea why. This pandemic goes against the very foundation of socially engaged art, which is about meeting people and exchanging stuff with people, even touching people.
It will awake a hunger to return to social situations. At least in Spain, this has nothing to do with art, but you know, teenagers are hungry for meeting people, so they are organizing spontaneous parties in the middle of street. Concerning art practices, it can be a cliche but Manifesta, an European traveling contemporary art festival, will be held in 2024 in Barcelona. It will be an opportunity to see what will happen. Maybe 2024 will be after the pandemic, right? We will see if it comes back to life.
Yes, it’s interesting to think further what will be happening within 2 years.
Yes, we have to look for future, right? Let’s hope.
(2022/01/18 オンラインにて、聞き手:登久希子)

現在、スペインのバルセロナ大学で人類学の教授をつとめる。ロンドン大学のゴールドスミス・カレッジ、シカゴ大学などで教鞭をとってきた。‘Art, Anthropology and the Gift’(Bloomsbery Press, 2014)や’Sorcery in the Black Atlantic’(University of Chicago Press, 2011)など著書多数。ANTART(人類学とアートネットワーク)の設立者でもある。
Roger Sansi is Professor of Anthropology at the University of Barcelona, Spain.
He has taught in several universities, notably Goldsmiths, University of London and the University of Chicago. The author of many books, including ‘Art, Anthropology and the Gift’ (Bloomsbery Press, 2014) and ’Sorcery in the Black Atlantic’ (University of Chicago Press, 2011). Is a founding convenor of ANTART (Anthropology and Art Network).